Mp3 and video links posted on this site are for evaluation purposes only and a lot of them point to other link that i've found on the web.If you like them, buy the CD and support the artists. If you are the artist or the copyright owner and would like to remove a link, just write me and i'll remove it.
ma lol!
By Anonimo, at 31/8/05 09:47
che paura!
By Anonimo, at 2/9/05 20:36
che schifoooo!!!!!
By Anonimo, at 2/9/05 21:14
ahuahuah fa troppo ridere leggere le vostre reazioni :D
Federì, tuttapposhto!
ma non sapevi che tracce di follia albergano entro le mie pareti cerebrali? ;)
By TheBlackSheep, at 15/9/05 13:14
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